Thursday, December 29, 2011

I Resolve To Support You Supporting Snails (And Sending Mail)

As a New Year treat to keep you going while I compile my Holiday Wrap-Up, I give you your very own printable Support Snails Send Mail mailing address labels.

The PDF prints ten 2x4 address labels, compatible with Avery®5163/8163, or any corresponding generic brand, and it is yours for the snail-mailing via Scribd, right here.

Happy New Year!

I get the feeling 2012 will be a good one. . .

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Meaning of Mail

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to announce Warren Tales' latest published interview!

Check out the December 2011 issue of Postal Record (Vol.124/No.12 with the National Association of Letter Carriers) for "The Meaning of Mail." A beautifully written article by Rick Hodges, about the tradition and contemporary necessity of snail mail, and the impact many people and organizations have made through their relationship with the USPS. The article includes an interview with, and work by Warren Tales, among others such as savesnailmail, AnySoldier, and The Society for the Prevention of Empty Mailboxes.

Hodges' great writing makes for great reading, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

(see JPEGs below, or download a PDF of the article here)


Thursday, December 22, 2011

As Baby Steps Approach A Mile Stone

In human life terms, Warren Tales can now take a few steps and address it's parents in two-syllable, repetitive phrases. In business terms, it can design, peak the interest and respect of a growing support base, and sell original and affordable custom products.

This month of December marks the first birthday of Warren Tales, and so--following the traditional gift cycle of (albeit wedding) anniversaries--I bring you paper!

(No change there of course, but it was a lovely coincidence.)

Being a very busy month for production and gift-giving, Warren Tales has been working through many-a-night over the last few weeks in order to get everything done: from a coworker Christmas, to cards, to orders, to food, and to family. So look out for brown paper packages tied up with the melodies of Julie Andrews in the coming days, because Warren Tales is coming to town, and celebrating a beautiful first year by giving something back to those who have inspired me the most.

Thank you, always, to the wonderful people who support small and/or local businesses, snail mail, and Warren Tales, all at once.

And so, I eat a minced pie in celebration, and continue to burn the midnight power-cable. . .

Stay tuned for next week's "The Christmas Bunny: A Holiday Wrap-Up," and an extensive break down of all of the month's homemade gifts! Extending, but not limited to, a nervous and yet pretty successful attempt at sewing a baby onesy by hand:

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Jet Setting and Trend Begetting (Because How Often Do You Get to Use the Word "Begetting")

Back in September, I gave a big slobbery thank you to all the Warren Tales supporters around the world, and set up a special offer for custom City Cards. Since then, I have continued to extend my gratitude by updating the cities listed as visitors on Google Analytics--making them not only the hometowns of lovely people, but also eligible for the aforementioned special offer--regularly, if not daily.

You may have even noticed my latest addition to the Warren Tales blog (a sidebar on the bottom right, entitled "Credit Where Credit is Due"), in which case, I hope you have seen your own location appear in thanks.

Above are 3 pieces of a 6-piece set of London, England cards that I'm very proud to have created. The order has been a pleasure to work on, and I look forward to passing them over to their new owners.

In the next few days, I will be heading back across the pond to the Motherland to attend a funeral service, and returning to the hometown of not only this person, but also myself. And so, given the sad nature of my trip, perhaps I will take the opportunity to hand-deliver their package, and hope to see them smile.

Have a good week.